
Monday, September 26, 2005

all sentimental and crap 

around this time of year I visit the ole bible college webpage and start remembering the old days. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that, back to the old me. But I know I can't. I know that my mind set now is way harder to deal with then when I was there*. plus it's amazing how easily blind faith can turn into blind obdience.

*for instance, before I was all about missionary work which was easy, just give $5 dollars to a missionary and pray for them and you did your part. But now I could honestly care less about missionary work, I think issues like poverty and free vs. fair trade are far more important. This is harder though because I can't just give $5 to fair trade and call it a day. i have to be willing to change my whole mind set and shed the consumerists skin I'm in. I have to be willing to pay $6 for a small bag of coffee and $4.50 for a choclate bar that have a "fair trade" stamp on it. I have to change my spending habits completely. and this is only ONE issue.

life just gets more complicated as you go

I think Caleb's married now... maybe? 

I forgot what the life of a student was. Reading, reading, reading and way too much pizza. (I'm ahead on the pizza but behind on the reading). And if you would like to know about the crazy weekends and various love interests, feel free to e-mail me (I prefer not to air my dirty laundry here!).

My church of choice so far has been St. Andrews Presbyterian church. It's more traditional then what I was raised, but at the same time after only two Sundays I've heard about Organic farming, human rights (and their violations), the coverage of the London bombings vs the medias coverage on Iraqi bombings (and the hierarchy of life we seem to have) and much more. That probably has more to do with it being a church in downtown Ottawa then the actual denomination, but I also enjoy to overt Scottish symbolism in the church (it's 177 years old!). So that's good times!

miss you all back home and everyone else who is out and about across this little planet of ours (damn-it, I promised myself I wouldn't get sentimental)

anyways, I'll spell check this bad boy and then read some more!

CURRENT SONG: The Dropkick Murphy's: "Kiss me I'm Sh*tfaced" (don't judge it till you hear it. Their Irish, it's not their fault)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

rants n' such 

sp today I got my septum pierced. Let me tell you about pain! the clamp wasn't bad, in fact it hurt less then when i did the ears. But then when she shoved the 'staple' in (retainer) my eyes rolled to the back of my head, I blacked out for a couple of seconds and when I cam to my eyes were full of tears. she said that it was normal, but I still felt like a big baby. I'm totally dreading cleaning it tomorrow morning, but I gotta do it.

I've learned that I can no longer watch Braveheart with other people. I simple of no tolerance for people who feel the need to talk during it or watch parts of it and then go away for awhile and come back. Proper respect must be shown for this movie both as both an achievment in great film making and for it's historical signifigance to heritage of my people. I will simply no longer watch it with others.

6:1 ratio (girls to guys) is starting to work against me. Girls in groups are nothing but danger. I must try and bond with my male brethren, it's my only hope to survive!

also I looked at caleb's engagement pics. let me tell you, it's not often that the man has a more feminine shirt then the lady. must mean he has balls... or does it?

Saturday, September 17, 2005

time for an update 

i'm in china town/little italy,
Last night was a total blast, went with some people to a ska festival at capital city, and I skanked for like 2 hours straight. rubbing up against other sweaty people, you gotta fight for survival in the mosh pit (although it was only a quasi mosh pit since people switched between skanking and moshing). total fun though! I get respect in the pit, if ppl try to push me I start throwing the elbows and they back off. I was also in charge of body surfing and threw many people up into the crowd

School wise things are good. I only have 3 actualy in class classes (the other two r online) so all my school classes are social work. There is a solid 6:1 girl to boy ratio (in a class of 70 there r 60 girls and 10 boys), which would be good except i'm sorta socially retarded when it comes to girls, but i'll survive.
I have more books then i know what to do with but i'm slowly reading them.

I don't know what else the 6 of you who read this want to know. if you have specific questions- e-mail me: doug_mc@hotmail.com
other then that it's just the regular boring life of a student.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

summer highlights 

so today I woke up at 5 am. It's moving day and I have a cold which is ridiculous since cold season is at least 3 weeks away!!!

This summer had it's moments, but unfortunatly working 12 hour night shifts and sleeping on my days off took away from most of it (not to mention other events). But here are some good memories
- Getting hugged by tons of cute girls who wouldn't normally hug me
- breakfast at the Pybus'
- man party which is what you would expect when half the "men" are married
- paintballing for tom's bach party (still have bruises)
- Caleb's visit and batteling some huge fish that ripped apart my perch bait, and meeting Jo; she can be very sassy when she needs to be (I don't think she'll play euchere with me again!)
- seeing my only niece and watching here cry every time I tried to hold here
- Karoke with Justin and Kevin (how can this be my only kevin memory)
- Poelmans (it's just easier to name you all like this, even the girls and Grendall's))

Monday, September 05, 2005

another day, another dollar... at double time- woot woot 

So if you're wondering (all 4 of you) why i've been updating so much latley. it's because I've been working night shifts and am lacking homan interaction.

Today around 7 am while I was doing my littler pick up, a certain Mr. Coutu stopped by the harbour. He thought that since he was a citizen and his tax dollars pay my wages that he could harass me. HA! jokes on him cause it was my last day and I was in my final hour, so I told him to stick it where the sun don't shine. (not exactly, but you get the picture)
coming later today ... the Brockville highlights of the summer (it will be short to be honest, but I'll be doing some pretty big name dropping, so stop by to see if you or your event make the list!)

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Adam vs. Atom 

So i'm suprised that no one commented on the fact that in my last post I meant to say "poppy cock" but accidentally wrote "poopy cock". crazy typos

2 more night shifts. well, i love night shifts (thats a lie). I guess i've been bitching about the same stuff all summer, but thats what a students summer is, work and sleep with the occasional exciting event, and then more work and sleep. (although maybe thats just life in general)

I took social work 1000 (the first year 2 semester social work class) over the summer. I ended up with a B which is pretty good. In social work you have to maintain a C+ average (i think thats 60%). and in order to get into a masters you need a B average. so I'm gonna see how this year goes and maybe I'll end up aiming to get a masters. but if not a BSW (Bachelor of Social Work) is good too.

anyways, tonight i'm gonna eat some rice at work- the greasy kind!
tomorrow night is pizza night at the harbour!

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