
Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Giving my self an ulcer 

I found some cool stuff at work today (no, not money, or a kitten like the last 2 times).

I found some old newspapers. I have 2 copies of the recorder and times, on from the JFK assasination, and another from the Oswald assaination (the guy who allegedly shot jfk)

Then I also have a copy of a paper from '69 when we allegedly landed on the moon (you know what i'm saying).

To top it all of I found two huge books of old recorder and times (then called the Evening Recorder) from 1897 and 1900. Topics I have found so far include the threat of the U.S. attacking from Alaska, Britian defending Canada and more... I love looking at the ads to, I wish I could buy pants for 50 cents!!!

I'm still waiting to hear from carelton. I checked my statues and I wen from being 'ready for review' to being 'under review'. I'm not really sure what the diffrence is, but it's somthing, i guess.

It's driving me crazy waiting to see what my next year will be. Makes for a slow work day, speaking of which, if i don't go to school then I might be able to get hired on full time at the plant. I hate working there, but it means i'd be making 12.75 and hour plus benefits and i'd be in the union (I WANT TO STRIKE!!!)

anyways, lots of options for the future year, just waiting to see what it will be

Saturday, August 21, 2004

wish I could turn my brain off 

This weekend has been filled with heavy movies. In fact all i've done is watched movies. Some of the movies of watched/discussed this weekend

The Village
Taxi Driver
Ragging Bull
Blade Runner, Director's cut

I'll do my best to avoid discussing plot lines, oh, and I can't seem to find the spell check feature on the new blogger layout. Thats why the quality of my posts has gone down hill (plus it's the summer, ppl get dumber).

I guess the main theme i've gotten form some of these movies (and what they've made me think about) is social justice, or should I say social injustice and how we deal with it.

The main movies that come to mind for this topic are taxi driver and The village. Here's two people (the taxi driver, and the main leader of the village) who experience/see social injustices and deal with them in very different ways.

First the taxi driver. This movie is really more about urban decay and insanity, but basically the taxi driver (who is pretty much insane by the end) see's social injustice in the city, and becomes a sort of vigil ante. He takes up arms and use violence means to end the injustice (once again, not really the theme of the movie, just what I got out of it this one time watching it). Sometime I feel like this, you see and hear about all these horrible crimes, and you just want to use any means nescary to bring them to an end. Whether it's a fist, a gun or anything. Sometimes it's easy to get be overtaken with empathy and want to do anything in your power to end the suffering.

Next, the village. The main guy, and all the elders, are victims of painfull crimes, and they deal with it by running away, by forming their own little world. Sometimes this feels like the way to go to. Iremember history of christianity, and reading about the first monks, who tried to escape the corruption of the church at that time and maintain thier faith. Often this seems like a noble way to go, but at the same time it seems like running away. You can't escape human nature. Amish and Mennonite settlments can seem attractive, but there too are crimes like incest and rape, not often talked about. Running away can't be the answer.

I guess when It comes to social injustice I think of Jesus saying 'turn the other cheek'. I want to be carefull not to take this out of context, but I think it does have implication to social injustice. Jesus was talking about when we get persecuted,but I think it also works for when we see our brothers and sisters get persecuted.

*side note* When I use the term brothers and sisters, I don't mean our fellow christians. I think that too often we as christians thing of people has 'us and them'. But we are all God's children, created by Him, just all at different stages. (no stage higher then another, just different).

so, back to 'turn the other cheek'. When I was a little kid i used to think that turn the other cheek meant turn the other cheek and walk away, but thats not it, of course. It means that if we are wronged, or see some one wronged(is that a real word?) that we are not to turn away and leave (like the village) or to strike back (like the taxi driver) but to stand thier, boldy, but passive aggresivly and be sacrificial examples.

Now that i've written this, i'm not even sure how it would apply to social injustice and change. I guess i'm trying to say that we must stand up and be examples (imperfect ones of course) anddo our best to change the world, without harmfully attacking those who do wrong (because we would ultimatly have to attack ourselves) and without running from the wrongs/wrong doers.

I guess now that i've said all that, it's a pretty simple concept. Thats the problem with these heady movies, they make you think for hours about the simpliest of things.

I'm gonna sleep this off, hopefully i'll awake as my immature, humurous, and charming self. (i seroiusly need to find some spellcheck!)

Friday, August 20, 2004

Oh the times... 

Well, although my old school (EBC) took thier sweet time, Carleton finally recieved my transcript today. So hopefull i'll find out if i'm accept for this sept. some time next week, if not i'll be on the job hunt. Either way, my days as a garbage man are almost over (and thats a good thing).

If I don't go to school then I want to get a job for a year where I actually learn a skil, like a meat cutter. I like cooking meat, and eating it, so why not cutting it? maybe someone will be hiring for the honey harvest thats coming up, that would be cool too!

anyways, it's friday and that means party time!!! actually it means watch a movie and eat some chips time, but oh well. The hamilton tiger cats finally won last night and things are looking up!

I'm at 22.89%

Sunday, August 15, 2004

The Simpsons 

sorry, I got a little lazy, but here it is;

The Simpsons have been a landmark of our generation. Making satire of all and everything, from the cigerette company, to the rich and the blue collar man. Thier social commentary is quoted and loved world wide.

NOw, I've stood by the simpsons through thier mass merchindising, overpriced toys (remind you of malibu stacey?), thier candy cigerettes (don't they encourage smoking for children) and thier simpsons cola (which may or may not cause blindness). But what I saw last night, I cannot forgive.

You know those master card commercials with 'priceless' at the end? I saw one featuring homer simpson, running around springfield. They've gone to far, what if Micheal Moore did a K-mart commercial? ok, maybe that anaolgy is a little extreme, but I can't believe that fox/ simson people would do this. ridiculous, just ridiculous!

Thursday, August 12, 2004


PLease stay tune for an anti- Simpson's post later tonight

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