
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

summer highlights 

so today I woke up at 5 am. It's moving day and I have a cold which is ridiculous since cold season is at least 3 weeks away!!!

This summer had it's moments, but unfortunatly working 12 hour night shifts and sleeping on my days off took away from most of it (not to mention other events). But here are some good memories
- Getting hugged by tons of cute girls who wouldn't normally hug me
- breakfast at the Pybus'
- man party which is what you would expect when half the "men" are married
- paintballing for tom's bach party (still have bruises)
- Caleb's visit and batteling some huge fish that ripped apart my perch bait, and meeting Jo; she can be very sassy when she needs to be (I don't think she'll play euchere with me again!)
- seeing my only niece and watching here cry every time I tried to hold here
- Karoke with Justin and Kevin (how can this be my only kevin memory)
- Poelmans (it's just easier to name you all like this, even the girls and Grendall's))

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