
Friday, April 28, 2006

but but but... 

'It's not Adam and Steve, it's Adam and Eve' they say. Well ya know what, from now on it IS Adam and Steve!!! If the king James version can have unicorns, then my version can have Adam and Steve!!! (besides, you can't have St. Eve without Steve!)

(this was mostly just a joke, but I hope someone finds it offensive because my comment section is really slowing down, and i'm still in the middle of exams, so i can't write anything truly controversial) holy run on sentance batman.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

dear friends 

I am sorry for my heavy blogging as of late. The cabin fever is in full force. I havn't left this tiny apartment since monday (and that was for an exam). I have not had a social night since...well i'm not really sure, i think it might have been friday, I don't remember.
I have two more exams, friday and saturday, I am horribly underprepared for both.

I also have a job interview (for a summer job) at social services in brockville. My mom said I should get a hair cut. I said no, we'll see what happens.

almost done...so close, yet so very far... end of the year apathy is in full swing...grrrr

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Alright, new banner. I decided it was time to get my ugly mug off the top.
I was gonna write a introspective serious post, but I guess i should study.
until then, punk lives!!! (although this picture is 20 years old).

Monday, April 24, 2006

bikini kill 

The below quote is by the infamous radical feminist and rock goddess (bikini kill, Le Tigre) Kathleen Hanna. While it is directed towards a feminist audience, I think it's pretty easy to see how the message can be applied to many different areas. We do what we can in our own capacity. Keep up the good fight.

"Resistance is everywhere, it always has been and always will be. Just because someone is not resisting in the same way you are (being a vegan, an 'out' lesbian, a political organizer) does not mean they are not resisting. Being told you are a worthless piece of shit and not believing it is a form of resistance. One girl calling another girl to warn her about a guy who date-raped her is another. And while she may look like a big-haired, makeup girl who goes out with jocks, she is a soldier along with every other girl, and even though she may not be fighting in the same loud way that some of us can (and do) it is the fact that she is resisting that connects us, puts a piece together."- Kathlenn Hanna


sorry for the string of serious posts lately. I blame it on exams (today at 2). To make up for it I give you pictures:

Student cards: EBC and CU
Pets (living, dead and the living dead): Gizmo Fish Blue
The winter beard: In all it's glory and a close up
Haircuts: buisness cut , skin head, the skater, flop, preppy, Beckham,mohawk, the no cut, (list not complete nor is it chronological)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Opps I did it again 

OK, this time a serious, serious post.
I recently read the Gospel of Judas (pdf). I found it really intresting. I'm thinking of picking up some of the other gnostic gospels. I find it interesting how other traditiong (even other/former christian traditions) explain some of the complicated things in the bible, or dare I say; some of the contradictions (John Schuit would be so disappointed in me). I mean from my limitied understanding, some of the gnostics believed that the god of the old testament was actually satan. This explains the genocide and the child killing, and why Jesus often seems so different from the god of the old testament. Some of the Doukhobor's only accepted the gospels as scripture.

Some of the answers I've gotten (ie from bible college) about the issues in the old testament stuff are less then satisfying. For instance 'you have to have faith that God's justice is just'. Well, sorry, but I have trouble justifying genocide and killing children. Maybe it's because I've been raised and educated in a liberal society. But it seems that 'thou shalt not kill' and 'kill them all' are two very different things. Now maybe 'thou shalt not kill' only meant 'thou shalt not kill your fellow jew', but that doesn't seem to work well either. Another answer is, 'we'll never know, you just have to have faith'. Well sorry, but I only have so much faith to go around. Most of it gets tied up in believeing there is a God above, believeing that there is some sort of super natural hierchy, and believing that God has a son, and the son has a ghost (a holy one at that) and that these 3 things are actually the same. So maybe i'm still on 'milk' when I should be on 'meat', or maybe this is the 'meat'. I dunno. (gotta love arm chair theology)

(seriously, I'll do anything not to study)

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Spiritual abuse 

I hope you can all allow me to indulge in a serious post. I would like to blog about 'spiritual abuse'. Now before I get started I would like to clarify that I don't really like the term spiritual abuse. It implies that 'spiritual abuse' is on the same level as physical, emotional, sexual and verbal abuse. I think that with some exceptions, spiritual abuse is on a lower plain then the other forms of abuse, but for lack of a better phrase, i shall use it.

Being an ex bible college student, and an ex member of campus crusade, I must say that I am no stranger to 'spiritual abuse'. However today I would like to write about a much more dire form of spiritual abuse. The type of spiritual abuse that would have a young teenager going to church 3-4 time a week to play 'contempary christian music'. Yes, when I should have been at drunken high school parties, making out with girls who would usually be out of my league, I was playing The happy song 4 consecutive times. When I should have been making weekend runs to Quebec, I was trying to figure out how to play bass in traditional hymns.

Now you may think that this is not spiritual abuse, but I tell you, it is! I can't play 4 chords on the guitar without relating it to a specific christian song. I can't look at a 'wow' worship albulm cover without getting sick to my stomach. I had to switch to a traditional church, just so I could avoid the hair-gelled, woman-crazy, head boping worship leaders that are so...up-front...in many evangelical churches.

I'm not pointing any fingers or trying to lay blame (although you know who you are). But I can no longer stomach contempary christian music, I think it sucks ass.

p.s. for anyone with no sense of humour, this was mostly a joke. And a way to procrastinate. I hate exam period. BLAH

Friday, April 21, 2006

on censorship 

from John Milton (or more appropriately, Randall Marlin quoting John Milton)

"5. If state control prevents us from contact with all things that might incline us to do evil, what role will there be for individual virtue? (JM 25-26). If God has so ordained things that evil and good both exist in the world, why should we act differently? God has given people a trial on earth. By what right should anyone take away this trial?" (Marlin, p. 208, 2002).

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Pucker up and kiss the asphalt now 

So my last two placements sorta fell through. So i'm thinking about changing my direction from working with end of life/grief, to working with children and youth (ya I know, they don't have much in common).

My only reservations about this is that there was once a time when I wanted to be a youth pastor. Then one fateful summer I was a camp counselor to 5 wonderful boys, most of whom decided to go off the ritalin at the same time. After that I switched my major to pastoral studies. I think part of it was that i was still pretty fundamental back then, I couldn't believe that pre-teens were talking about sex *GASP*. But now i'm a little less naive. And less sensitive/self-righteous. So maybe it will work out. Anyways I've sent e-mails to Big Brothers and Sisters, and the Boys and Girls club. So hopefully I'll get a response. Either way I have more studying, 3 more exams.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Passover 

Remember folks, the Angel of Death is the reason for the season!

p.s. I got some sad news today that has a silver lineing. See you in a bit J.C.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Centipede eating a mouse?!? Gross! 

I'll be home by lunch time today.
Call me

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Oh Hurley, your girlfriend is crazy! 

This lone blogging thing is hard to get re-used to. I mean usually if I make a blog that was boring, by the next day there would be 2 more entries to cover it up. But now I gotta be on fire all the time... say somthing funny, say somthing funny...'poop'

Anyways, yesterday was my interview for doing placement at the homless shelter (which also has a hospice and other stuff'. It didn't go well, here's a clip:
I1= interviewer one, I2= interviewer 2, D= me

I1- 'So it's important to have a good sense of humour. *pause* What would you say if one of the guys overheard that you were going golfing and asked to come along?
D- (in my head think that we are still talking about the being funny part, so I try to think of a joke on the spot but realize I can't) 'Ummm...probablly ask if he has any clubs'
*long awkward silence*
I2- 'Well, it's important not to reveal any personal information'

So. It turns out that we were no longer on the topic of humour, and further more, I didn't really realize what I had said until after it came out. Yes, asking a homless guy if he has golf clubs....that is just classic. Anyways here is hoping that my placement interview goes better today.

(oh and the exam was killer, but i think i just passed the class. stupid math)

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Well the end of an era has arrived, all because somebody enjoys the rub n' tug (or to put it better, because a group of people refuse to beleive that most men and many women enjoy the rub n' tug..err...or female equivilant).

On a lighter note, this is my 200th post (on this site). I guess in celebration i will put up a new header. yay

Tomorrows statistics exam is gonne be rough. I am guarnteed to pass, but as a social work student I have to maintain a core gpa, and this is gonna bring it down, and my other core course ain't doing so great (although i'm getting B+'s in all my electives). Here's hoping i'm not on acadamic probation!

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