
Saturday, April 22, 2006

Spiritual abuse 

I hope you can all allow me to indulge in a serious post. I would like to blog about 'spiritual abuse'. Now before I get started I would like to clarify that I don't really like the term spiritual abuse. It implies that 'spiritual abuse' is on the same level as physical, emotional, sexual and verbal abuse. I think that with some exceptions, spiritual abuse is on a lower plain then the other forms of abuse, but for lack of a better phrase, i shall use it.

Being an ex bible college student, and an ex member of campus crusade, I must say that I am no stranger to 'spiritual abuse'. However today I would like to write about a much more dire form of spiritual abuse. The type of spiritual abuse that would have a young teenager going to church 3-4 time a week to play 'contempary christian music'. Yes, when I should have been at drunken high school parties, making out with girls who would usually be out of my league, I was playing The happy song 4 consecutive times. When I should have been making weekend runs to Quebec, I was trying to figure out how to play bass in traditional hymns.

Now you may think that this is not spiritual abuse, but I tell you, it is! I can't play 4 chords on the guitar without relating it to a specific christian song. I can't look at a 'wow' worship albulm cover without getting sick to my stomach. I had to switch to a traditional church, just so I could avoid the hair-gelled, woman-crazy, head boping worship leaders that are so...up-front...in many evangelical churches.

I'm not pointing any fingers or trying to lay blame (although you know who you are). But I can no longer stomach contempary christian music, I think it sucks ass.

p.s. for anyone with no sense of humour, this was mostly a joke. And a way to procrastinate. I hate exam period. BLAH

i thought it was kinda funny.
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