
Monday, October 31, 2005


So I came across this site and it 100% sums up my experiences from last year. (well maybe not 100%, i'm a little more bitter then most).
anyways, kids, please, just say no to campus crusade for christ. It's worse then bible college (and that is hard for me to say!). You'll thank me in the long run!

Sunday, October 30, 2005


so i'm doing a project (basically a chapter summary) out of my social research text book. the author is discussing stratification sampling. He gives an example of doing a study with 'eskimos'. I thought social workers were supposed to be a little more up to date with these things. although he is an american author, maybe thats still acceptable down there, i dunno.

so tired, why do I take so much joy in procrastination? it only hurts me in the end!

Friday, October 28, 2005

I know I say this everytime but... 

I have an exam tomorrow morning and I think I might actually bomb this one. It's for a class that I watch online (i have two online classes, they are also the first things to get neglected when I get busy). If I bomb this one then I'll have to drop it, which isn't so bad.... excpet the $500 or so that I will be loosing. Anyways, Hinduism and Buddhism, I must learn you fully by tomorrow at 10am,
good luck to me!

Should DOUG MCKENZIE really be giving relationship advice? (your damn right he should!) 

So after being slightly annoyed by a few peoples e-mails. I sent them a response... all names have been deleted!
Dear ___________________,
please please please.
Online surveys?!?
C'mon guys! There are better ways to meet members of the opposite sex then sending out mass e-mail personal surveys. Lets go over some basics

Lesson 1
When you you see a member of the opposite sex whome you wish to converse with. try walking up to them and saying "Hello my name is _______, what is your name?" they will give a short reply. Afterwards you need a follow up question such as "what to you do" or "what is it that you are passionate about?" the key to a good follow up question is that it is an open ended question (not a 'yes' or 'no' question). This gives the person a chance to talk about themselves which allows you to show your intrest in them. Besides, there's nothing a person enjoys more then talking about themselves.

So this week try to implement the points from lesson 1 and next week we'll go over lesson 2.

thank you

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Dismantling the music industry one downloaded song at a time! 

So I've been downloading some classic punk albulms. I've already go most of the Operation Ivy stock, but tonight was special. Tonight I started downloading Smash and Ixnay On The Hombre by the offspring (before they became what they are now). Let me tell ya folks, this takes it back. The songs are simple, and to be honest, not overly intelligent, perfect for the 14-18 year old. Your basic "let me do what i wanna do!". This is music I actually listened to before highschool. In fact the offspring were the second punk band I listened to. First was greenday with Dookie. Before all this all I had listened to was Much Dance and wierd Al (i was a strange child). Anyways, my brother quickly turned me to more intelligent punk music (starting with The Clash) and I soon left all this behind. but it's nice to go back once in awhile!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Cookie dough tastes just as good in powder form! 

so as you can see I updated my header a little bit. I probablby went a little heavy in the over-indulgence, but i'm sure i'll change it in a month anyways. I've let the beard grow out (although I realize that it hardly qualifies as a beard, it does do a very good job at hiding my double.triple chin) i've also got a few more holes in my body with metal through them and I havn't cut my hair in almost a year (the picture really doesn't give my mullet/shag justice!).

so hard to keep up with everything, but i've ranted about this already

one day i might be a social worker... one day...maybe...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Six days at the bottom of the ocean 

So last night was interesting. I was waiting to hear about this party (which never happened because the girl who was having the party forgot about it and went home for the weekend). And this guy phones for one of my roomates (garret, the roomate, has a lot of connections with people who are/were either on ontario works, or homeless, etc). And i say 'sorry garret's not here, so the guy invites me over to his house and gives me the address and everything. Needless to say I was a little be hesitent but I figured he was just kinda loenly, and hey, i'm 6 foot 2, 2?? lbs (haha), I can hold my own if I need to. So I go over and the guy was this nice old man and he spend like 2 hours giving me pamphlets an different activism events and so on coming up. I mean two hours was a long time to spend hearing about up coming events, but it was pretty cool. So monday night I have a dilemma, do I go to to William Blum who is an author talking about 'The War on Terrorism and the Expansion of US Empire" or do i got to see the documentary "The Revolution will not be televised" which will be about : "Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela was ousted by a coup in 2003, for 48 hours. Two independent filmmakers happened to be with Chavez when this event occurred - this film presents the history in the making."
I really like Hugo but the author one will be the author giving a lecture. I dunno
oh and monday night theres supposed to be a lecture on burma. that might be intresting too.

well the percy campaign is over. So my eyes can relax at carleton now (except for the embarrissing amount of construction that always takes place during my classes).
anyways I need to change my fishs' water and knock up some church

Monday, October 17, 2005

pornography rapes your mind and alcohol rapes your dignity 

i feel like i'm too young to be cynical and bitter. but it's too late, the damage is done. I still have ideals, i just don't think they'll come to fruition. oh frustrating world.

Some people are not too impressed with the I agree with Doug campaign. Some crusaders are not happy with me, which usually wouldn't matter except that i live with one. oh well, it makes me laugh

i phoned to sign up for a student bereavement group on campus. hopefully they can fit me in. Trevor sorta half encouraged me to do it, so i decided i'd try. You'd think that these things would get easier with time, but so far it seems to be the opposite.
anyways i have to hand in this assignment tomorrow morning and i'm barely half done.

I wonder if I can get some medicinal marijuana to even me out. (the medicinal is optional) only jokes people, only jokes

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I once loved a woman, a child i'm told 

so The I agree with doug campaign is in full swing! please visit it here:


I bought a new ring for my nopse which I was very excited for. It took me like an hour to get the spike screwed back on and it was a source of great frustration. I finally got it on headed out and when I returned it had fallen off!!! ERRR So i'm not sure whether to go back to the staple or keep the horseshow in with only one spike (and the other hand the screw thread). agrivating, stupid jewlerry

anyways, like I said show your support for the I Agree With Doug Campaign, and now i must watch class... or lost

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I have a need to talk to ppl today. only because I have a test (a mini mid-term) tomorrow, and I hate studying. It should be an intresting exam. We only have 2 questions to answer and it's totally open ended, so you need to know your stuff but theres plenty of room for personal examples and knowledge from other classes to help get you marks. (It's for political economy and social work). should be intresting, i'm just trying to memorize different periods in Canada's welfare state and various programs and how they work and thier history, etc.

I had started reading Crime and Punishment this summer, very good, and I got to the part where he's starting to go really crazy and the cops are unto him, but he's not really sure if they are, and then BOOM. school crashed down and I wouldn't be able to pick the book back up till christmas. poop on that!

why is it that the older you get the more messed up you get (and don't give me any psychodynamic bullshit. I covered enough of that in Social work Theory). Oh if only we could wipe our slate clean and start over (waiting for someone to jump in with the Jesus talk here)

speaking of which, Campus Crusade has started an "I Agree with" campaign here on carleton. Do any of you other students have experience with this campaign? I heard that when CC4C did it on another campus it lead to fist fights, ha ha ha! I think it's just going to annoy the janitoral staff more then anything. they have to pull those "I agree with Percy" ( www.iagreewithpercy.com ) signs and through them out every night. Why does CC4C feel that they have the right to do things that other clubs aren't allowed to do?!? (like writing on chalk boards in classes). In protest me and a roommate started the "I agree with Doug Campaign" I will be low brow but it is still a solid campaign.

anyways thats enough mumbles for now

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Social Work has Taught Me Well 

You are a

Social Liberal
(73% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(6% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Friday, October 07, 2005

Turkey and stuffing and pie, OH MY! 

coming home tonight. which means I have about an hour to eat all the eggs, drink all the milk (they expire today), clean the dishes, pack and get rid of the empties before momma McKenzie gets here.

see ya all soon... (i hope)

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Sober for the month of October 

I forgot what paying bills and rent was like. The beginning of a new month (or end of an old one) means increased financial strain, has a result I've finally had to open that 7 pound bag of rice. no more pizza for me.

I must say, I'm doing much better at keeping up with my blog then my poelman counter-parts. chad and trevor- what a disappointment.

I bought the movie 'The Corporation' the other day. It's really good, but i'm not sure why I bought it. not like I'm gonna be watching it a couple times every year.

anyways, time for laundry!

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