
Friday, September 29, 2006

time for a capitalist post 

I would like to juxtapose my last post with this one about some wonderful purchases I made (I would point out that I consider these purchases an investment in art). The first purchase was Dune. I'm surprised that many people don't know about Dune (in this case I am referring to the book). Since I haven't finished it, the only way I can explain it to people is with the following: "Dune is to Science Fiction what The Lord of the RIngs is to Fantasy". I hope this is an accurate comparison.

The other purchase I am even more excited about! I found Stella out on dvd. now for those of you who don't know about Stella....well for shame. I've heard it referred to as a modern day monty python. This may not be entirely true, but Stella is certainly a modern day absurdist dream. Needless to say it was cancelled after one season.

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