
Saturday, May 20, 2006

The boating season is underway!!!... 

So other job searches have failed and I am back at at the brockville harbour (it could be worse). I think I will try to chronicle my night shift musings, for you, my faithful readers. Here's night one:

Some people say that angels are mythical man beasts (or womyn beats, respectivly), dressed in white, with glowing halo's, wings penetrating from thier backs and so forth. However I belive this to be an incorrect definition. Let me give you the new one.
Angels are people who know that you are working night shift and so pick up some McDonalds to give you on thier way home. These are the kind's of angels that make real differences in people's lives.

also, locking yourself out of the building on your first night shift is never a good Idea. It's hard to pass 6 hours in the middle of the night on a cold windy island. But I managed...some how. Not to worry folks, your tax dollars are hard at work!

Good night (or good morning) I am off to bed! much love.

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