
Monday, November 07, 2005

mmm life is sweet 

So I'm on my second cup of coffee and stare-ing at a blank Word document (or at least i was) and trying to get pumped to do this assignment which is due tomorrow (it's only worth 15%). Like all my assignments this semester, i've left it till the night before because I knew that it would cause me to think and thinking sucks. Anyways, because of the bereavment group I'm in, I can get a letter written by a counsellor to get extensions, etc. So i was thinking about getting a letter and then taking it into my prof/ta and explaining it to them. But then that reminded me of high school. In OAC I remember I stayed after class, it was law class, and trying to explain to the teacher how I needed to write the extension on a different day because I had to help take my dad to the hospital (i think in kingston or maybe ottawa or maybe toronto) and then I broke down crying. He didn't really know what to say. 3 years is a long time, but the rest of my life is an even longer time. anyways i'm gonna try to write this mofo by tomorrow

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