
Thursday, November 03, 2005

How communists helped me spiritually 

so last night was interesting! I've started going to IS (international Socialists). THey are marxists socialists (in a basic form- they want socialism which will eventually become communisim). I personally am not sure If I ascribe to this type of socialism, I guess I kinda feel like I'm more a democratic socialists (like the NDP). BUt anyways, thats all side notes. Before I wen to the meeting I was reading my propaganding textbook- VERY INTRESTING)
It gives the history about how propaganda really started to be formed in the Roman empire. And many of the main points developed then are used today. So in this context (of highly developed propaganda (arguing skills)) comes Augustus ceaser (after Julius). He was super good at propaganda. He was the grandnephew of Julias, and when old Julius died he adopted Augusts as is son. Augusts played this up and since Julius was considered divine, Augustus encouraged the idea that he was 'the song of god'. So along comes in this historical context and he says 'give unto cesar what is cesars and give onto God what is Gods'. So before when people tried to wuote this verse it was usually about not living for money or somthing like that, but it's actually so much more. Jesus is blatantly defying the king. It's a big FU to old Augusts. anyways, I thought that was super intresting.

anyways after the IS meeting we went to the pub to hang out and some of us got on the discussion on religion, marxism etc. It was really cool though cause we talked about early christianity and it's similarities with communism (they knew more about a lot of it then me) and then how once the romans realized they couldn't beat it (after trying to feed all the xians to the lions) the basically joined on. BUt they just didn't 'join' they took thier developed propaganda and made christianity something that could be used to control the people (marxists idea- religion is used to control the people) and since then christianity has been a tool of the powerfull to excert control (ie Bush). I mean did Constantine really have a vision of the cross (by this sign, you will conquer)which was send to him by God so he could conquer by the sword and spread? or was he simply well educated in propaganda and made it up so he would have solidarity in controlling the people? anyways, I guess my point is that I was suprised that some marxists have spirituality (i shouldn't judge or pre-suppose, also they are for spirituality but against any formal religion) and was glad that both my text book and IS group reminded me that Jesus was a punk.

side note- IF from almost the very beginning christianity became a tool used by those in power to control the people, and has mainly stayed that way, is it possible that today we not only have a not very good form of christianity, but in fact a corrupt form of it?

wow that was long. did anyone make it to the end?

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