
Saturday, August 06, 2005

The answer is blowing in the wind.... 

Has anyone been reading the papers lately? Some scary ass shit is going on. I think This Article scared me the most.

The profile also said suspects may display such characteristics as nervousness, an unwillingness to make eye contact, excessive sweating, or mumbling prayers or "pacing back and forth in front of a venue," the newspaper said.

The Post said the police chiefs' guidelines say an officer does not have to wait until a suspected bomber makes a move in order to use deadly force, but just needs to have a "reasonable basis" to believe that the suspect can detonate a bomb.
"The police standard operating procedure of addressing a suspect and telling them to drop their weapon and put their hands up or freeze is not going to work with a suicide bomber," Bruce Hoffman, a terrorist expert at the Rand Corp., told the Post. "You're signing your own death warrant if you do that."

Hopefully everyone now knows that police profiling is a rampant problem. And you mix that problem with this policy and you have a huge problem.
The characteristics of a bomber that they list could relate to many different types of people. Maybe a new immigrant who doesn't understand English and feels that the police have it out for brown people. A death person who could be confused. Someone dealing with schizophrenia or other mental disorders or any person on a bad day. It's a shoot IN THE HEAD first and ask questions later. The police force is hear to supposedly up hold the laws that we has a society see fit. Do they really have the right to implement policies like this without our permission? I guess the article does talk more about U.S. and London, but what happens if they make this a policy here? To me this is just part of the underlying problem with police in general.

Don't get me wrong, but why is it that one of the few positions in society that allows people to carry loaded weapons also requires the lowest amount of post-secondary education? To be a teacher you need 5-6 years university and teacher's college education. To be a police officer you need 2 years of community college. Whets up with that? I'm not saying that more post-secondary education is going to make your smarter, or any less likely to shoot someone in the head. But wouldn't you want people carrying loaded guns around you to have as much training as possible? I mean they need training in self defense, gun use, the law and should have training in other areas like different religious belief, working with people with mental disorders, and I'm sure many other areas that you can think off. I don't think that two years of community college cuts it. Anyways, that's just my point of view

FOR EVERYONE IN/FROM BROCKVILLE: you need to go to This Site and watch

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