
Sunday, February 06, 2005

I spend too much time by myself 

I've been thinking alot today, spurred on by what i've been reading and conversations I've had. MOstly about philosophy, Christianity (both about the Institution and The Christ/Trinity), and more.

IN one of the books I read there is a a monologue by an older man talking to a young one about the meaning of life, etc, and he starts talking about philosophy, and how there is no one correct philosophy, and philosophy simply speaks to the person in that time that came up with that particular philosophy. Further more, humans were driven by one thing and one thing alone- pleasure. That can be seen clear enough with those that live only for sex, or only for booze, etc. But also thos who leaved to please God did it only because it brought them pleasure to think that He was pleased with them, and those he tried to do good deeds did so only because it brought them pleasure to do "good". In short pleasure is at the root of all human actions, whether they be 'good' or 'bad'.

I found all this perplexing. This type of philosphy is somewhat tied in with evolution/Darwinism, in that we are simply another type of animal driven by instinct (pleasure) which genreally means self preservation and breeding. So to me if this is true then nothing really matters because we are simply animals following our instincts. Further more, if this were true, then philosophy itself, and 'truth' would be nothing more then a thought pattern in someones mind, and when that person dies, that philosophy or 'truth' dies with them. IN essence, there is no truth. This led me to the conclusion that the only real 'philosophy' would be Nihlism since all philosophy dies and there is no ultimate truth.

But then upon thinking about nihilism, I started to think about Ecclesasties (this book as helped me to hold onto my faith in times of trouble more then other). I remembered how it said that knowledge is meaningless and to take joy in the little things in life.

So for now I put all this thought process on hold, and i'll enjoy a cheap cuban and whatever else i can find. Wish my brain had an off switch.

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