
Sunday, November 07, 2004

we put the the in theology 

I've been trying to figure out how to explain my crisis of theology (since i left bible college) and it wasn't till i crossed a random christians site that i figured out how to say it (i think),
this person wrote (when commenting on the election and his dislike for both the ppl running); "thanks be to Him who enacts His will in all situations no matter how much men try to stand in the way" for those of you wondering 'Him' is God.

see, that qoute is what i used to think, before bible college and everything that happened while i was there (stuff happening at home to). but now it's almost the opposite, I think free choice is such a huge thing that God almost never intervenes with the exeption of miracles. Now miracle can take many forms, and thus i suppose they can be a daily event (i dunno for sure). and i'm not sure about what theology says (although theology can't always be trusted) but i think that most miracles require someone to ask for them. But i dunno, i'm only 20, there's plenty of time to work out my theology and try and figure out as much about God as He will reveal.

anyways, i'm off to the Presbyterian church. Maybe i'll join the presb. church someday, give this evangelical thing a rest for awhile. ha ha ha, evangelical, it sounds funny, say it 10 times fast... can u say anything ten times fast?

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