Friday, November 26, 2004
thinking of titles is the hardest part of blogging... this post is about...
so i've notice my post usually fall under two categories, either what i'm doing or what i'm thinking/what i think. I'm not sure which one is more popular, but this one if about what i'm thinking.
university sucks, thats not entirly true. But it seems lately that university is just the breeding grounds for the next white collar management team. I'm not a big fan of management. There job consisits of telling people, who know very well how to do there job, how to do thier job. (might have to read it a couple of times till it makes sense). My first year seminar (a class designed to be like highschool to help the young children adapt) is about youth employment and education, needless to say most of the topics covered relate to us (the students). what drives me nuts is when questions like, 'how is college different then university' or 'why is post secondary education important', the answer (in one form or another) always comes back to somthing about making more money. Am I the last of the idealists? I mean the reason why I choose university is so I could get the credintials that society says I need in order to get a job that would give me some small chance to make social change and make the world just a little better for someone. I still think the world can be changed, but how long my youthfull idealism will last I don't know.
It's important to note that my first year seminar course is made up of 30 students, all first year, many of them 18 years old. So that might be why they r like that. Also ottawa is white collar central, this is a middle/upper class city, and they like it that way.
I come from a long line of blue collar workers. My grandparents were school janitors, on the other side my grandma was a homemaker and my grandpa was many things including lumber jack, labourer, possibly a miner and more. My dad was a high school dropout, however he took a university entrance exam, passed, and then went to college, becoming the first from his direct family line (I believe). Anyways, the other day in class our teacher was showing us this website that showed income for jobs, rates of unemployment in those jobs and so on. The jobs the kiddies asked to see were either the jobs they were training for (ie. psychatrists, scientists or whatever), and what they considered crappy jobs like janitors and garbage men (sorry thats sexiests, it's garbage collectors). This summer I worked at waste management... with garbage men, and women, And I was a temp, so they were higher up then me. I wished so bad I could have brought somme of them to the class, just so I could watch them start kicking ass. I would rather carry on a conversation with them then these rich (or soon to be rich) pompous teenagers who still need to complete puberty (not that that has anything to do with it). anyways thats my rant for today
university sucks, thats not entirly true. But it seems lately that university is just the breeding grounds for the next white collar management team. I'm not a big fan of management. There job consisits of telling people, who know very well how to do there job, how to do thier job. (might have to read it a couple of times till it makes sense). My first year seminar (a class designed to be like highschool to help the young children adapt) is about youth employment and education, needless to say most of the topics covered relate to us (the students). what drives me nuts is when questions like, 'how is college different then university' or 'why is post secondary education important', the answer (in one form or another) always comes back to somthing about making more money. Am I the last of the idealists? I mean the reason why I choose university is so I could get the credintials that society says I need in order to get a job that would give me some small chance to make social change and make the world just a little better for someone. I still think the world can be changed, but how long my youthfull idealism will last I don't know.
It's important to note that my first year seminar course is made up of 30 students, all first year, many of them 18 years old. So that might be why they r like that. Also ottawa is white collar central, this is a middle/upper class city, and they like it that way.
I come from a long line of blue collar workers. My grandparents were school janitors, on the other side my grandma was a homemaker and my grandpa was many things including lumber jack, labourer, possibly a miner and more. My dad was a high school dropout, however he took a university entrance exam, passed, and then went to college, becoming the first from his direct family line (I believe). Anyways, the other day in class our teacher was showing us this website that showed income for jobs, rates of unemployment in those jobs and so on. The jobs the kiddies asked to see were either the jobs they were training for (ie. psychatrists, scientists or whatever), and what they considered crappy jobs like janitors and garbage men (sorry thats sexiests, it's garbage collectors). This summer I worked at waste management... with garbage men, and women, And I was a temp, so they were higher up then me. I wished so bad I could have brought somme of them to the class, just so I could watch them start kicking ass. I would rather carry on a conversation with them then these rich (or soon to be rich) pompous teenagers who still need to complete puberty (not that that has anything to do with it). anyways thats my rant for today
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