
Wednesday, September 22, 2004


I'm sort of out of intresting things in my daily life to write about. Not that nothing happened, but more like so much has happened that I haven't been able to digest it all and reflect on it (going to school in all) so i thought i'd just write about a genreal topic (abortion)

now I remember that abortion was a big issue in the federal election. People were up in arms that whats his face (how easily i forget, the leader of the conservatives) was against abortion.
so i'll put in my two cents (note; if you don't care about my two cents, then please, read no further).

Am I against abortion: yes
Do I want to see abortion outlawed: no.

Now some people may say that that is condrating, but i don't think it is.

I'd like to see a country where the immediate choice of having a baby can be as the choic to abort.
I'd like to see a country where young single mothers (and anyother mothers) would not be looked down upon but would be surrounded by support and help.
I'd like to see more homes open to adoption.
There is a high rate of post abortion counselling, I think that there should also bepre abortion counselling. Not nescarrily forced session, but at the very least a counsellor to walk some through emotions that they might encounter after an abortion. I know Canada is different, but in the U.S. medicine is free enterprise, so the doctors get paid for thier wor; which means they might be less likely to do anything that might have thier patients leave.
I'd like for it to be aseasy as possible for a woman to go through the nine moths, give birth and either keep the child or give it up for adoption. Of course none of this is easy, but niether is abortion.
I'd like to see both pre and post abortion counselling in our churches and other institutes... because all sins are forgiven.

so yes, I am a chirstian who is against abortion, but it down't mean I support so called christiananipers or that I want to send women running to the back alleys to get an abortion.

I would like to see the abortion rate go down and the attitutes of society towards single females who are pregnant or have kids, change to be more accepting, along with changed attitudes in the church towards women who have had abortions.

also to people who r really against abortion, then when the time comes, let your acts, not your word, do the speaking. adobt a kid or help out a mother or pregnant person woman who needs it.We have AA in the church, so if the need exists, lets get post abortion counselling in there too.

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