
Friday, June 18, 2004

PETA Propaganda 

Well, a friend gave me a link to a PETA site (animal rights freaks) about fishing. I think every now and then I'll take something from their site and give the correct answer (they are all passion, no research!),

"Imagine reaching for an apple on a tree and having your hand suddenly impaled by a metal hook that drags you— the whole weight of your body pulling on that one hand—out of the air and into an atmosphere in which you cannot breathe. This is what fish—who have well-developed pain receptors —experience when they are hooked for “sport.”"

First of all there is a huge difference between the hand of a mammal and the mouth of a fish. The hand of a mammal is full of blood vessels and pain receptors, so of course it's gonna hurt like hell and you'd probablly bleed to death. But a human hand is not a fishs' mouth.

They say that fish have "well-developed pain receptors", This is true, except for in the mouth region of a fish which is mostly tough flesh with little to no pain receptors and blood vessels. Don't believe me? take a look at what fish eat... crayfish (like mini-fresh water lobster complete with pinchers) and other fish (with spinny fins). Because of this they have developed mouths which do not feel pain.

Fish breath air, not water. In order to do this thier gills need to be wet in order to absorb the water. As long as thier gills and bodies are wet, they can breath air for a time while out of water. They don't suddenly suffocate as soon as they are taken out of water.

I know that these people have other arguments for why sport fishing is wrong, and I will try to address these in the future.

***FUN FACT***
Remember those cute seals that green peace fought so hard to protect? (they weren't even endangered). Well, now that hunting is banned on them, seal population has boomed. This has lead to great stress on the fish population, putting at least one species endangered. One green peace representative was asked why they saved the seals but didn't have a campaign for the fish. He jokingly responded 'Only cute animals bring in the funds'.

Wow Green peace, thanks for being so conservation minded.


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