
Thursday, May 27, 2004

The monotony of it All!!! 

Well, work is starting to get to me, it's just so s...l.......o............w and repetitive repetitive repetitive.

The only good thing about it is that it gives me time to think and imagine. I've started up several companies in my head, one of which I might actually try to do. Also, through these companies (in my head) I've been able to give my friends jobs and pay them way more then the jobs r worth (like 20 bucks an hour for a friend who was a cashier). and then I also fired some of them just for kicks.

Today at work, I think I saw the lowest thing I've seen in a while (not that I'm judging anyone). I work in a recycling plant, they dump paper and cardboard from garbage trucks onto the floor and then we process it. I saw a guy (who I work with) pick up some cigarette packages from the floor and open them to see if there were any fags left. Pretty sick if you ask me!

but then again you didn't!

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